Backward Bending

Backward Bending
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 18- Completed

Small and sweaty, Day 18

It's amazing to think that even the smallest of classes can sometimes be the sweatiest. I usually hold out such perspiration awards for Sunday's overcrowded 4pm class, but last night was a scorcher!

This hot room heat wave marked day 18 in my 20-day challenge. Any mental strain I was experiencing on Sunday/Monday finally drifted away as I caught the end in sight. I am ALMOST there. Wow.

There will certainly be some more celebratory posts in order when/if I make it to the final day (Thursday), but inside I am already starting the party and wondering about my next step.

Where will I go when this 20 day challenge ends? Where will my blog go? It's been a truly unique journey through my mind and body, and without getting too dramatic (probably too late!) I somehow feel very different from the gal who started chatting with you 18 days ago.

My uncle recently posted on my FB wall and asked me if I've seen any changes with all of this yoga practice. Having had some more time to think on that question I would like to now share some of the many ways I feel "changed":

1) I now spend any and all extra cash and time perusing sites like Shakti
2) I know how much water one needs to drink to be fully hydrated before 90 minutes of yoga...and how much one needs to pee
3) I appreciate Saturday morning sunlight, and the acoustic program on 103.1
4) I admire the way my short and curvy body looks in a skin bearing sports top and booty shorts (a true feat!)
5) I feel closer to understanding what meditation is, even though my mind still wanders aimlessly during Savasana
6) I know what pain feels like, and it feels different than just wanting to give up
7) I understand the difference between heat and humidity, and respect that the combination of both equals a LOT of hard work
8) I respect the slow and methodical entry into and out of each posture just as much as the posture itself ( it's the journey not the destination!)
9) I have been graced by people both better and worse than me during practice, but each day, every day, my class is about ME and the body I showed up with
10) If you open your heart to the universe and honestly ask for what you shall receive

Here's to 18 wonderful days of transformation...can't wait to see what the last 2 bring!


“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

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