Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 16- Completed

Waterfall, Day 16

Now picture this massive rush of water trying to ease it's way down my tired, dry, and scratchy throat. Not pretty.

Sunday classes are always an inevitable struggle. We are typically mat to mat, dumping sweat on each other, and each others mats. It's during these challenging (and grotesque) times I often find myself distracted by things like, cool sparkling bottles of water. As if it were the last sip on earth and I was crawling through the Sahara, I rely on my water bottle as the only life line I have left. Forget about breathing, and "relaxing my mind"...I want my water dammit!

My quick abandonment of all things zen, definitely came back to bite me in the butt. Sure I had made it through the standing series with hardly a drop of liquid, but come Rabbit Pose or Sasangasana (which if you remember from Day 14 is my LEAST favorite posture) it all went downhill.

Suddenly, I was grasping at my water bottle, clutching it so tightly I could see the white of my knuckles. I looked around erratically, trying to spot the teacher and make sure I wasn't "caught" hydrating. Then again, it is nearly impossible to NOT be found out when you are drinking as if you are a part of an early 1999 frat party chugging contest or game of waterfall (No really, I thought I wasn't supposed to stop until the person next to me did!).

As to be expected from such a scene, I immediately started choking and was not only "caught" by our teacher, but managed to disturb anyone in a 10 foot radius (i.e. the entire class). I hacked and hacked, gasping for breath, and finally found some relief with, you guessed it, more water.

So what did I learn today? A few things, really:

1) Water bottles in Birkam are like mirages in the desert---just an illusion that should not be trusted
2) Adults are still susceptible to having something "go down the wrong pipe"
3) A full belly equals a dismal and sluggish end of class

Cheers to hydrating appropriately from here in out.


"I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man." ~Henry David Thoreau

Day 15- Completed

Varsity, Day 15

Believe it or not, waking up at 6:15 on Saturday wasn't as bad as I thought. Waking up, having to feed and walk the dogs AND shovel the 4 new inches of snow off of my windshield, didn't even phase me. Does this mean the yoga is REALLY working? Or perhaps it means I've been upgraded from the JV team?

As I went into the hot room on day 15, I was prepared for a morning of tight muscles, sleepy postures and extreme heat. I certainly got 2 out of the 3, but my postures came to life when I heard teacher Maeghan say the following:

"Saturdays are my favorite class to teach. You know why? VARSITY."

What a fantastic sentiment! Finally I've reached the land of dedicated, varsity yogi. And with that motivating one-liner, I couldn't help but give it my best shot.

I know I have posted pictures, and alluded to the nature of these 26 postures, but if you are interested in seeing some truly VARSITY YOGIS, click HERE.

I mean, WOW! Who knew the backward bend was supposed to look like THAT. Yowsers. I have got some stretching to do.

Speaking of stretching, my mind, body and gag reflex were stretched to their limit during a new addition to the class; Saturday morning 60-second Camel or Ustrasana.

Think This:

Not This:

And with that, Day 15, or 3/4 of my way through this challenge, was complete! Hooray!

I hope Saturday helped YOU to bring your varsity game and reap all the benefits of giving 100% to life. Because when you give 100% you get 100%.


"The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there." ~Monica Baldwin

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 14- Completed

Yoga Bunny, Day 14

This one is for YOU, Kell!

As I mentioned yesterday, my intention was to dedicate Day 14 to Baba Hari Dass. Instead of quieting my mind, all I could think about was my dear friend Kelley who lives across the proverbial pond in Tunbridge Wells, England.

Kelley and I have been GREAT friends for over a decade now, and although it has been nearly 1.5 years since I last saw her, our bond is as tight as ever. She is the girlfriend who will set you straight with loving honesty, the one who will listen to you cry and cry (and as I have mentioned before, I am QUITE good at crying!) with no agenda, the one who will push you to your limits and make you realize your full potential in the world...and she is also the one who left me an unexpected voice mail yesterday in which she referred to me as "Yoga Bunny."

If I haven't mentioned it yet, I am a sucker for rabbits. On more than one occasion, as a small child, I attempted to sneak home small bunnies (from pet stores at the Mall, and other various locations). I would keep them in my closet (with a proper set-up of food and water of course) until their inevitable bunny smell would leave my mother wondering. It was then, I would call her into my room and make her promise to "not get mad at me" for what I was about to tell her. And voila, I would then pull out a small critter from behind my clothes and shoes, and we all lived happily ever after. OR so I imagined. This wasn't just limited to rabbits, I once brought home a kitten (rest in peace wherever you may be Skittles), and to say the least, my parents were saints.

Needless to say, when I was listening to Kelley's lovely little message yesterday, I quickly adopted my new affectionate nick name, "yoga bunny."

Not only does it remind me of my pet-napping days of the past, it gives me a new appreciation for my least favorite posture in the floor series, The Rabbit, or Sasangasana.


Although I was unsuccessful at silencing my mind last night, I can assure you that as I head into my final 6-day stretch (almost there!!) this yoga bunny will do her best to relax the mind, and open the heart.

Happy Friday! Be sure to celebrate YOURSELF and those once-in-a-lifetime friends like Kelley.


"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." ~Aristotle

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 13- Completed

Lucky, Day 13

There was nothing unlucky about day 13 in the hot room (day 5 in a consecutive stretch). The class was small and energized, the temperature just right.

I received quite a few hands-on tips from our instructor last night, which got me thinking about how much I would love a posture by posture critique. There are many things I THINK I do well in class, but wouldn't it be great to have a certified yogi watch each move and give me verbal feedback? I think so.

Then again, if the postures are simply the vehicle for my higher learning and understanding of meditation, and my YOGA is really about my body and breath, perhaps no words are needed.

Can you imagine a world in which we didn't talk? This guru can:

Baba Hari Dass

In case you did not follow the link, this yogi has taken a vow of silence since 1952. 1952.

With this in mind, I would like to dedicate my practice tonight (Day 14) to less talking, less mind-wandering clutter and more silence, more mediation. Because silence is quiet, I think one expects it to be easy. Well, from one "Chatty Kathy" to another, let me tell you it's not. And with that, my lips are sealed.

Happy Thursday.


"No one can please everyone. Your mental peace is more important. If you are in peace, then others around you will feel peace. So your best effort should be to work on yourself." ~Baba Hari Dass

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sticker Chart

Here it is, in all it's glory...

20-Day Challenge Sticker Chart

I am a hopeless overachiever (does that make me a H.O.?), and will do anything where a sticker chart is involved. I will say, however, that I have been somewhat disappointed with the sticker selection lately. Perhaps I can donate some new options...

Day 12- Completed

Success, Day 12

Balance is a funny word. Not only does it come into play with each individual posture (hello Standing Bow Pulling Pose or Dandayamana-Dhanurasana), but it is the essential ingredient as I travel from each day to day. As evidenced in yesterday's post, Day 11 was a disaster for me. As I tumbled down into the deepest and darkest of places I have seen in my practice yet, I opened my heart and took it all in, every piece, including the saving-grace starburst I ate in the lobby when I had to prematurely leave class.

What's interesting is that what I am about to share isn't a new concept. For every state of mind/being/physicality in the world there is an opposite. Without one, there is hardly the OTHER. For every day there is night, darkness there is light...and for every terrible, no-good, I have to leave the room RIGHT NOW, kind of yoga class, there is (thank god) an opposite.

And for me, that opposite arrived last night. Day 12, will forever be marked as my BEST yoga practice to date.

Maeghan (whom I had previously credited as Megan--apologies) was teaching, and once again offered her subtle yet transformative guidance that helped me reach farther than I knew I could. In doing so I learned many new things about myself and my body. The most important of which is surely how to truly LOCK my knee. Who knew it could go up and back even more than it had? Maeghan did, that's for sure.

With her expertise at the helm, and the temperature in the room just right (a steamy 105 degrees) everything seemed to go my way. Hallelujah! This is exactly what I needed after Monday, when I truly thought I could walk away from Bikram forever and NEVER EVER look back.

So what have I learned? To love BOTH types of days...because without failure, there is no success. I would like to tell the universe how thankful I am for Monday...because what I did not realize at the time, was that the struggle I was experiencing was simply preparing me to receive and appreciate my triumph last night.


"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." ~Winston Churchill

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 11- Completed

Heat wave, Day 11

I intended to write a much lengthier post about my harrowing yoga experience last night, but my day job is getting in the way (apologies, I hate it when this happens!)

Given such, here is the incredibly brief synopsis:

Heat overwhelming, heart pounding, sweat pouring, legs shaking, breath shortening, Tracey leaving, starbust eating, Tracey returning, class finishing, THE END.


"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle..." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 10- Completed

Half way there, Day 10

It's time to send in for a lil' Livin on a Prayer...because ooooohh "we're halfway there".

Yesterday's class, the marker of my half way point through the 20-day challenge, was absolute perfection. Not only did my boots find their way back to me, but we had the visiting instructor from last Thursday who I really enjoy. I now know that her name is Megan, and she has been practicing Bikram for 7 years.

SEVEN YEARS. Wow, that is a long time. Just like our studio owner, Megan has a very peaceful and relaxed nature about her. She exudes yoga. It's truly inspiring and I found myself thinking once again last night that I could continue to make my practice a bigger part of my life. It doesn't have to be a one-time 20 day challenge, it can be a way of life. And as I continue to learn in each class, it is not about the postures or the final destination it's about a state of mind.

My state of mind is good today. I am actually in the office (despite having the day off) and post blog will be finishing up work on some substantial projects...and then off to the hot room.

I was going to attempt a "double" class tonight, which essentially means 3 straight hours of yoga, but instead I have decided to rearrange my schedule so that I can attend Friday's 9:30am class instead. Coincidentally, this means I will now be ending my challenge with 12 straight days of yoga. Oh boy.

Happy President's day.


"We've got to hold on to what we've got
'Cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We've got each other and that's a lot for love -
We'll give it a shot." ~ Bon Jovi

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Boots are back, baby!

The Upper Valley can rest soundly again, as it turns out there are NO shoe thieves on the loose.

After a harrowing 24+ hour separation, I am happy to report that my Sorels have returned. A fellow yogi accidentally walked off with them yesterday in her post yoga-bliss.

It's amazing to feel like you can believe in the world again and the general good nature of human beings. Happy Day.


Day 9- Completed

These boots were made for walking, Day 9

Because I am a fan of ending things on a positive note (I promise I will), I will start with my LEAST favorite part of yesterday, my boots.

Oh my boots. My beloved Sorel boots. They are like little all-terrain vehicles for my feet. Anyone that lives in New England knows there is a LOT of off-roading to be done between October and May, and I simply can't live without my boots. That was until yesterday.

After my most wonderful yoga session to date (more on this later...), I walked out to the lobby only to find that the above mentioned boots were GONE. That's right. Just GONE. At first I thought I left them someplace else, maybe the bathroom? I mean, the yoga brain can do many silly things to one's rational thinking. But, alas they were no where to be found.

Not only was this heart-breaking because it meant my immediate future involved driving home barefoot in negative-degree weather, BUT it meant that the perfect theft-free bubble we live in up here was potentially broken. I mean, WHO the heck goes to a yoga studio at 7:30am on a Saturday to do some shoe shopping?

Well, the plot thickens. In place of my boots there was a ratty pair of size 9 knock-off uggs. Great, just what this size 7 chick wanted. My lovely friend Emily, patron of "lets think the best", convinced me that someone could have worn my shoes home accidentally. And I love her for this. I mean, maybe they mistook two completely different pairs of shoes that are different sizes, right? One can only hope.

Fortunately, my immediate cold footed future was salvaged by a fellow yogi, Kristin, who lent me a pair of clogs for the snowy ride home. But with a long-weekend of winter adventuring still ahead the loss of my boots would hit deep for the next 24 hours and so on.

Before this madness went down, I happened to have the loveliest of mornings. I should preface by saying I am an absolute bear before 10am. I don't want to talk, or move, or smile...especially on weekends. But, knowing that Linda Blair had taken it out of me earlier in the week, I had no choice. The 8am class was calling my name, and I was out of bed by 6:45am. This was great news for my dogs who were eagerly awaiting breakfast and thrilled that I would let them out pre-noontime.

As I drove to the studio I discovered a few things:

1) There is a great acoustic program on 103.1FM
2) There are not a lot of people out and about that time of day
3) The early morning Vermont winter sky is absolutely breathtaking

This set the perfect tone for my 90 minutes of sweating, which I was able to enjoy next to Emily, which is always a highlight.

The room was the perfect hotness (no jungle here) and our Studio Owner and Teacher, Allie, was back in the hot room (hooray!). Classes with her always strive me to try just a little harder. Which is a very great thing.

And what great thing is complete without a bright neon yellow top? That's right--I was donning one of my (many) new yoga tops in this fashionable, yet totally 80's, color. Be sure to click on "faded zap." Although let me tell you, there was nothing faded about it.

Anyways...bright yellow tops and no boots made for an overall mixed morning of emotions. I have made my peace with the highs and lows, but am still awfully curious if my boots will walk on back today...stay tuned.


"Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins (or Sorels)."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 8- Completed

Back in the saddle, Day 8

Last night was my first time back in the hot room since the infamous Linda Blair episode. And let me tell you, it felt GREAT!

There is something about being able to eat normal foods (goodbye chicken broth and pedialyte), stand up straight, and get through a full day of work that really gives one a new lease on life.

It may have helped that a false Spring has settled over the Upper Valley. Tweeting birds and temperate weather can make even the grouchiest of winter humbugs happy again. So, with a pep in my step I skipped into class, ready to get my yoga on.

We had a visiting instructor last night, and I am sad to say I never caught her name. She was absolutely wonderful. Very calm, relaxed and knowledgeable. She had all sorts of tips and suggestions that made my practice seem even more doable and exciting than weeks past. I was still operating at 80% trying not to overexert myself the first night back in the saddle.

I kept my breath slow and steady, and occasionally caught myself saying "you are alright." Ironically this is something I also tried telling myself on Monday, while laying on the bathroom floor. It's a simple little phrase, but one I am slowly adopting as a mantra.

As I continue to grow (up) and learn more about myself I have come to collect quite a few gems that get me through challenging situations. One of my favorites that I find myself using quite frequently is "It's okay, no decisions need to be made tonight." This is PERFECT for those days when you question the meaning of life, or when you come to a crossroad with love, jobs, friends , or even when you are stuck between two very expensive pairs of jeans (in which case, I might opt for "Just buy both!)...Either way you get my drift. Embrace these little sayings, because the more you learn to rely on them, the less work you leave for your mind and body.

Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend and celebrate YOU!


"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." ~ Henry Ford

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bend in the road

Days OFF

And by days "OFF", I mean days spent hostage to the stomach flu.

Of all the unpredictable things that could happen during this 20-day challenge, being stuck in my bathroom for 48 hours was one that I did NOT see coming.

Just as I was ready to head into day 2 of my first 5 day stretch, it hit. And boy did it hit hard.

Today is the first day in two days that I have:

-Been out of the house
-Sat upright for more than 2 minutes
-Used the bathroom on my own free will (sorry, but it's true!)
-Felt like I can open my eyes without getting dizzy

I promise not to go any further into the details of what happened to me, but let's just say I felt (and probably looked like) something resembling Linda Blair from the Exorcist.

FORTUNATELY, the demons have been cleared from this body. I am going to take off one more day from the hot room, but starting tomorrow I head into the the most difficult stretch of this challenge. Instead of being able to equally balance my days between class and rest, and I will now be attempting to complete the next 13 days of yoga in 12 days. Yes, you are right...13 classes is more days then I have left in the month. Which means, Monday I will be attempting my first DOUBLE session of Bikram. Yikes. Thank you to the Presidents of America for allowing me this day off from work, and subsequently the option of doing two back to back classes. We will see what happens.

And now, because I can't leave you with the above image in your heads the rest of the day, please enjoy the following:


"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn." ~Author Unknown

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 7- Completed

Half and Half, Day 7

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

I was totally stoked to start off my day with the following Valentine (from my fellow yogi and dear friend, Emily).

Not only is she creative, she has Bikram totally dialed in and is MY inspiration in the hot room.

If you are wondering where I've been the last few days (I know that EVERYONE lives and dies by my blog posts) I will let you in on my scheduling secret: Fridays and Saturdays are my two days OFF from yoga.

With that in mind, I sauntered into last night's 4:00pm class absolutely pumped to make my return. Now remember, Sundays are the classes that are packed mat to mat. Given such, I knew up front that I would feel challenged by the collective body heat alone.

I resumed my old spot by the door, hoping to cheat a little (I know, cheating is BAD) with the help of an outside draft--but even that didn't compensate for the humidity that arrived the first half of class. My entire side of the room was down in Savasana by the time Triangle rolled around. Two ladies even left the room. It was then I started fearing that we would have a repeat of the jungle class from Thursday (enter Guns N Roses), but then the most miraculous thing happened--I absolutely ROCKED the floor series.

I had a huge burst of energy and went into each posture feeling calm and cooled down. It was amazing. And thank GOD--because the first half of class had me thinking I would abandon the challenge altogether, and with that my blog (GASP!). Lucky for you, I made it through and am feeling good once again. Not to mention I was able to pick out a happy lil smiley face for the sticker chart. And let's be honest, it's all about the sticker chart (picture coming soon).

So here I am, Monday...heading into day 8 of my challenge, and the second day of a five day stretch. It is going to be tough, no doubt...but "If there is no struggle, there is no progress" ~Frederick Douglas.

Enjoy today and celebrate the biggest LOVE of your life...yourself!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Coconut Paradise

In the spirit of practicing yoga 5+ times a week, I am also practicing eating and drinking more health conscious items.

My new favorite beverage (see ya lata, Champagne!) is Vita Coco Coconut water.

And just in case you need more reasons to give it a whirl I googled the following review:

I particularly like that it kills intestinal worms (EW!).

Anywho...nothing like an ice cold glass of coconut water (with Pineapple!) to ease the 3pm work blues!


Day 6- Completed

Welcome to the jungle, Day 6

Before you begin reading, please follow the link below and play the accompanying music:

A lil Guns N Roses

If I thought I was completing day 6 of my challenge in White River Junction, I was totally wrong. I was REALLY practicing in a remote Amazonian jungle, among a roomful of other sweaty savages.

Although I have a tendency to be somewhat dramatic, I promise you the humidity in the hot room last night rivaled any South American reading on a Hygrometer (new word, just learned today!).

Our guest teacher for the night was absolutely phenomenal--his only admitted faux pas was that he didn't quite have the heating system mastered (to be expected when it is your first visit on site). Given such, it was around the end of the standing series when people started dropping like flies. The air was thick and cloudy, my eyes literally pooling with sweat. As I have mentioned before the energy in class is always different, and last night it really became its own person in the room...taking control of EVERYONE. Once the first person went down (to the ground, hoping to escape the cloud of heat) it was all I could think of.

I thankfully completed the standing series, but by the end of the spine strengthening postures I was alternating every other first set of postures with a DOUBLE Savasana (In non-yogi terms, this translates to me laying on the floor in Dead Body posture TWICE as long as the rest of the class).

It's hard NOT to feel frustrated when you seem to have zero control over your body, and the room starts closing in around you...but THAT is exactly what my yoga became about last night. As new teacher Mike said "The postures are NOT the destination, YOU are the destination." And with that, I willingly gave into the rest my body demanded, concentrated only on my breathing, and tried to let everything else GO.

It isn't easy, letting go. And being the classic Type A gal I can sometimes be, I much prefer to be standing and participating and mastering the postures. But as I am slowly learning, the postures are just the vehicle carrying me along this amazing journey.


"The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges" ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 5- Completed

Bad Exit, Day 5

Happy Thursday, Friends!

I am a quarter of the way through my 20-day challenge now (woo hoo!), and while I suspect bigger challenges await me, last night dealt out a few, per usual.

I think I gave fair warning that this blog might contain some crying, so brace yourself.

Yesterday was as typical as they come...until I got the memo that my beloved boyfriend will be traveling next week. Normally this type of thing doesn't set me off (I mean, who doesn't love the bed all to themself, free range of the house and movie choices, loads of white wine, etc.)...but he is coming out of a month of extensive work-travel, which translates into me having full responsibility for our life. I know I know, cry me a river.

So it was a combination of being faced with double dog duty (we have two big goofy labs that run our lives) next week, and the fact that I would be alone on the dreaded V-Day that sent me into a tail spin.

This latest "crisis" followed me all the way to the studio, where I sat outside, fighting back tears (again, I know how RIDICULOUS this is), head on the steering wheel, having a REAL pity party.

And that's when it happened...the "Challenge" called me inside. Now, I would like to say that the hot room instantly cured me of all woes, and that I immediately felt like the easy-going, free-spirited, earth-loving yogi I aspire to be...however, it took some work.

The postures seemed harder, the room hotter, and my body slightly out of control. The climax came during Camel Pose or Ustrasana...when during the second set I flew upwards out of the deepest back bend in the series, forgoing the required arm support. My head started rushing, I saw stars, and collapsed into Savasana or Dead Body Pose. What had I just done?! I was not the only one who noticed my bizarre exit strategy, as my teacher quickly critiqued me out loud.

In that moment, I suddenly forgot why I was crying, and realized this challenge requires ALL of my attention. I quickly exited my mental pity party, and finished out the rest of class strong and relieved that stars were all I saw.

Sometimes the biggest challenge is myself.

Regardless, I promise to love myself and my body tonight as I head into Day 6...and oh, stay out of my own way.


"Seeing into darkness is clarity. Knowing how to yield is strength." ~Lao Tse

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 4- Completed

Barely there, Day 4

Warning, the following blog post may not be appropriate for those who don't appreciate a little (or a lot of) flesh.

Day 4 of my challenge was the most soul and skin-bearing yet. That's right, ladies and gents, I unveiled the following outfit (you may remember it from my "What NOT to Wear" post) last night:

At first I felt completely insecure, and pale, yes pale. This stomach has not seen daylight in sometime, years perhaps. As some of you may know I am a licensed Esthetician and prefer to don a full body suit, hat, umbrella and SPF 45 when I am anywhere near the sun. Given such you can imagine the glowing, iridescent look of my skin. Pale is the new tan, I tell ya.

Anyways, let's move beyond color and into the flesh and tone category. I have to admit my legs and booty (and there's a LOT of it) are feeling much more toned these days, but with my new midriff baring top in action I quickly realized my stomach is NOT reaping the same benefits.

"Why?" one might ask. And I couldn't agree more. It seems nearly IMPOSSIBLE to avoid flexing your core muscles during 90 minutes of intense full body sweating...but like many other things I had evaded stomach clenching until last night.

When you are face to face with your stomach and the many imperfections no one else can see, in a fluorescent lit room, your belly button staring back at you, ALL you want to do is "suck it in." And so I did...for 90 minutes. And WOW, it actually helped me to stretch even further into some of my postures. It was also a much needed reminder that during this challenge and beyond I am committed to loving my body--just the way it is--EVERY DAY.

I still swear that I will never ever (EVER!) be caught in one of the flashier, triangle bikini tops (seriously, people wear these?!)...but only time will tell.

Cheers, from one pale, curvy-stomach loving gal to YOU. Remember to LOVE your body today.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bikram Choudhury

I should have done this days ago...but let me introduce the man, the myth, the legend:

Bikram Choudhury

"Lock the knee. Lock the knee. Lock the knee" ~Bikram Choudhry

Day 3- Completed

Hooray for Day 3

Last night was JUST what I needed. After fully hydrating (and NOT drinking bubbly) I felt much more prepared for my 3rd day in the hot room (and first day in a 4 day stretch).

The class was small, with only 11 yogis total. You can imagine how spacious and breathable this felt compared to a typical Sunday class where up to 40 hot sweaty bodies cram into practice. If you haven't ever experienced a half-dressed, middle-aged man draping his sticky, wet arms over your back during Full Locust (Poorna-Salabhasana), you are missing out. No, NOT really. Ew.

Fortunately, last night I had the wonderful privilege of sitting next to my dear friend, and fellow challenger, Emily. She is the kind of lady that could inspire an elephant to walk on a tight rope (I don't know exactly what that means either, but you get the gist). She is packed full of positive energy, and the bright aqua color of her hot shorts alone could get anyone jazzed up to "go back, waaaay back".

Another motivating factor I have yet to introduce here is the sticker chart. That's right kids, there is a giant sticker chart posted in the check-in area with all of our names on it. For each class we complete we are allowed to pick out a sticker and post it next to our names. There are stars and smiley faces...and so far my sticker choices have been reflective of my mood that day (i.e., Saturday was a yellow star in honor of my dear friend, Champagne). I know you are all salivating for a chance to see this inspirational piece of artwork, so I will be sure to take a picture soon. It's amazing how stickers can STILL work to motivate adults and children alike...

Off to a busy day of work, then on to day 4!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 2- Completed

It wasn't pretty, Day 2

What do you get when you cross 5 adult women in pajamas, 7 different types of homemade pizza, and copious amounts of bubbly? That's RIGHT, a VERY VERY ugly Saturday morning.

Despite my lack of sleep, and conviction that I could handle such amounts of booze and bread in my stomach, I made it to, and completed DAY 2 of my 20-day yoga challenge.

As I have mentioned before, every class is different; the people, the energy, the time of day...and Saturday was a perfect storm of some very challenging elements for me. I was tired, cranky, arguably still a little tipsy, and severely dehydrated. Making it through 90 minutes of intense sweat and concentration felt like a tremendous feat, but in the end I ultimately felt defeated. Why had I treated my body so poorly?

I would not trade one minute of the fun I had with my fabulous lady friends on Friday (Trust me, you want to know these gals!), BUT for the remainder of my challenge, and perhaps beyond, I am going to think twice about that 4th glass of champagne.

Today is the first day of a 4 day stretch of classes for me, and I fully intend on being well hydrated (it does help that drinking alcohol at work is generally discouraged), rested, and mentally prepared to give 110%.

As I learned on Saturday morning, this challenge is more than just showing up for class, it's showing up for a healthy lifestyle, and treating my body and mind with the utmost love and respect!

Cheers to LOTS of water, and vegetables for lunch today.


Friday, February 4, 2011

What NOT to wear

I won't typically post twice in one day, but here I am...LUCKY YOU!

I just thought I would give a shout out to my new favorite yoga wear, and a BIG goodbye to the misfitting clothes of days past.

Here is what I USED to wear (including last night, BIG mistake)

Here is what I will be wearing (GULP...must start sit-ups NOW) in the future:

With these of course (can't go naked on the bottom...although these shorts are the closest thing to skin I've ever seen):

All new and improved items come from Shakti, a Brazilian Bikram Yoga line that is mysteriously based out of Portsmouth, NH.

Cheers to tight fitting clothes you can sweat profusely in!

Day 1- Completed

Still ALIVE, after DAY 1.

Last night's class was great--and considering I have been practicing for over a month now, I shouldn't have expected anything different. However, singing on to this challenge made me think the classes (the same ones I have been going to) should feel different somehow.

It reminds me of when I ran my first marathon. I had spent 4 months forsaking friends, cocktails and fun, all in the name of tackling 26.2 miles. I had put in the time on weekends, alone on the road, pushing through the pain and sometimes cold. I was prepared. When I came to the starting line the morning of the race, I was all nerves, my stomach flipping right, left, up, and down. I couldn't tell if I needed an emergency bathroom stop, or a sedative. And then it happened...the gun went OFF. There I was, packed in between 30,000 other people, RUNNING. One foot in front of the other, just like I had done nearly every day for the past four months. I couldn't help but feel like, "This is it? I'm just running?". And SURPRISE, THAT was it. Four Marathons and a countless number of Halfs later, and I am always amazed when I come to the start, and it's just RUNNING. The event itself does not make the action any different.

SO...where am I going with all of this? Right...should have prefaced this too; in addition to being a sometimes professed emotional freak, I am a RAMBLER. But, if you stick with me, I will always circle back (sometimes days later) but it will all come together eventually, I promise.

As I started my first day of the 20-day challenge last night, I realized (as I had realized at my first Marathon starting line) it's just another night of practice. "Practice" being the optimal word here. Each class my amazing yoga teachers impart many gems of inspiration and last night was no different. I was grunting and feeling defeated as I fell out of STANDING BOW PULLING POSE or Dandayamana-Dhanurasana. It's then I heard the teacher say, "It's called Yoga PRACTICE, not Yoga PERFECT."

And with that, suddenly 20 days felt much less overwhelming. I am committing to PRACTICE not to PERFECTION!

All of this being said, the real challenge will begin tomorrow when I have to force myself out of bed at 7am (post an all-girls champagne and pizza evening, I might add).

Stay Tuned...


"Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind" ~Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 1- February 3

Here I am, DAY ONE.

After a stalled start to my first 20-day challenge (thank you, massive blizzard that swept over most of the US and dumped nearly 15" of snow on Norwich, VT) I am eager to begin. And by "eager" I mean, terrified, inspired, tired, cranky, doubtful, and excited. I should preface this entire blog NOW by stating the obvious; I am an extremely complicated creature when it comes to emotions.

Having spent a portion of my snow-work-at-home-day crying at the kitchen table for no apparent reason, I am ready to embark on this trans formative journey. And for those of you who are already terrified by the site/sound of tears, I warn you now, read NO more! It's cathartic, I swear!

It's Thursday, which means I will need to leave work early to make it to the 5:30pm class at Bikram Yoga Upper Valley . I don't usually go to this class, so it will be interesting to see the mix of people that shuffle into Practice this time of day.

The people in class are certainly worth mentioning. Every class brings a new and different group. I am part of the 6:30pm club...which in my mind I define as the after work-crew. It's those of us who are slaves to our 9-5pm life and can only find time for the "hot room" after hours.

So what do we do we DO while trapped in a room heated to 105 degrees for 90 minutes? Click HERE to find out! Of course, because this is my FIRST 20 day challenge I have hardly mastered fact there have been several occasions in class where I spend more time laying down then standing up...BUT now is the time for change. In addition to my posts, I hope to add a gallery of my postures--and fingers crossed, let's hope we see some improvement!
