Backward Bending

Backward Bending
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Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 14- Completed

Yoga Bunny, Day 14

This one is for YOU, Kell!

As I mentioned yesterday, my intention was to dedicate Day 14 to Baba Hari Dass. Instead of quieting my mind, all I could think about was my dear friend Kelley who lives across the proverbial pond in Tunbridge Wells, England.

Kelley and I have been GREAT friends for over a decade now, and although it has been nearly 1.5 years since I last saw her, our bond is as tight as ever. She is the girlfriend who will set you straight with loving honesty, the one who will listen to you cry and cry (and as I have mentioned before, I am QUITE good at crying!) with no agenda, the one who will push you to your limits and make you realize your full potential in the world...and she is also the one who left me an unexpected voice mail yesterday in which she referred to me as "Yoga Bunny."

If I haven't mentioned it yet, I am a sucker for rabbits. On more than one occasion, as a small child, I attempted to sneak home small bunnies (from pet stores at the Mall, and other various locations). I would keep them in my closet (with a proper set-up of food and water of course) until their inevitable bunny smell would leave my mother wondering. It was then, I would call her into my room and make her promise to "not get mad at me" for what I was about to tell her. And voila, I would then pull out a small critter from behind my clothes and shoes, and we all lived happily ever after. OR so I imagined. This wasn't just limited to rabbits, I once brought home a kitten (rest in peace wherever you may be Skittles), and to say the least, my parents were saints.

Needless to say, when I was listening to Kelley's lovely little message yesterday, I quickly adopted my new affectionate nick name, "yoga bunny."

Not only does it remind me of my pet-napping days of the past, it gives me a new appreciation for my least favorite posture in the floor series, The Rabbit, or Sasangasana.


Although I was unsuccessful at silencing my mind last night, I can assure you that as I head into my final 6-day stretch (almost there!!) this yoga bunny will do her best to relax the mind, and open the heart.

Happy Friday! Be sure to celebrate YOURSELF and those once-in-a-lifetime friends like Kelley.


"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." ~Aristotle


  1. too cute! I love it. Yoga bunny. It's amazing... your 20 day quest has seemed like an eternity already! (and I'm sure to you too).. but I have enjoyed following you along the way. ;-) xoxo, Sara

  2. ah, my sweet friend, what a perfect way to end a very LONG week. Your words are always so poetic and poignant. I love reading your blog and feel touched that Day 14 is dedicated to me :-) I admire so many things about you but today I admire your tenacity most. I've never heard my 'yoga bunny' say "I can't"...I would say that you are more acurately the'energizer yoga bunny'....just keep going my dear, you will achieve all of your dreams (and I love cheering you on every step of the way).
