Backward Bending

Backward Bending
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 2- Completed

It wasn't pretty, Day 2

What do you get when you cross 5 adult women in pajamas, 7 different types of homemade pizza, and copious amounts of bubbly? That's RIGHT, a VERY VERY ugly Saturday morning.

Despite my lack of sleep, and conviction that I could handle such amounts of booze and bread in my stomach, I made it to, and completed DAY 2 of my 20-day yoga challenge.

As I have mentioned before, every class is different; the people, the energy, the time of day...and Saturday was a perfect storm of some very challenging elements for me. I was tired, cranky, arguably still a little tipsy, and severely dehydrated. Making it through 90 minutes of intense sweat and concentration felt like a tremendous feat, but in the end I ultimately felt defeated. Why had I treated my body so poorly?

I would not trade one minute of the fun I had with my fabulous lady friends on Friday (Trust me, you want to know these gals!), BUT for the remainder of my challenge, and perhaps beyond, I am going to think twice about that 4th glass of champagne.

Today is the first day of a 4 day stretch of classes for me, and I fully intend on being well hydrated (it does help that drinking alcohol at work is generally discouraged), rested, and mentally prepared to give 110%.

As I learned on Saturday morning, this challenge is more than just showing up for class, it's showing up for a healthy lifestyle, and treating my body and mind with the utmost love and respect!

Cheers to LOTS of water, and vegetables for lunch today.


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