Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 9- Completed

These boots were made for walking, Day 9

Because I am a fan of ending things on a positive note (I promise I will), I will start with my LEAST favorite part of yesterday, my boots.

Oh my boots. My beloved Sorel boots. They are like little all-terrain vehicles for my feet. Anyone that lives in New England knows there is a LOT of off-roading to be done between October and May, and I simply can't live without my boots. That was until yesterday.

After my most wonderful yoga session to date (more on this later...), I walked out to the lobby only to find that the above mentioned boots were GONE. That's right. Just GONE. At first I thought I left them someplace else, maybe the bathroom? I mean, the yoga brain can do many silly things to one's rational thinking. But, alas they were no where to be found.

Not only was this heart-breaking because it meant my immediate future involved driving home barefoot in negative-degree weather, BUT it meant that the perfect theft-free bubble we live in up here was potentially broken. I mean, WHO the heck goes to a yoga studio at 7:30am on a Saturday to do some shoe shopping?

Well, the plot thickens. In place of my boots there was a ratty pair of size 9 knock-off uggs. Great, just what this size 7 chick wanted. My lovely friend Emily, patron of "lets think the best", convinced me that someone could have worn my shoes home accidentally. And I love her for this. I mean, maybe they mistook two completely different pairs of shoes that are different sizes, right? One can only hope.

Fortunately, my immediate cold footed future was salvaged by a fellow yogi, Kristin, who lent me a pair of clogs for the snowy ride home. But with a long-weekend of winter adventuring still ahead the loss of my boots would hit deep for the next 24 hours and so on.

Before this madness went down, I happened to have the loveliest of mornings. I should preface by saying I am an absolute bear before 10am. I don't want to talk, or move, or smile...especially on weekends. But, knowing that Linda Blair had taken it out of me earlier in the week, I had no choice. The 8am class was calling my name, and I was out of bed by 6:45am. This was great news for my dogs who were eagerly awaiting breakfast and thrilled that I would let them out pre-noontime.

As I drove to the studio I discovered a few things:

1) There is a great acoustic program on 103.1FM
2) There are not a lot of people out and about that time of day
3) The early morning Vermont winter sky is absolutely breathtaking

This set the perfect tone for my 90 minutes of sweating, which I was able to enjoy next to Emily, which is always a highlight.

The room was the perfect hotness (no jungle here) and our Studio Owner and Teacher, Allie, was back in the hot room (hooray!). Classes with her always strive me to try just a little harder. Which is a very great thing.

And what great thing is complete without a bright neon yellow top? That's right--I was donning one of my (many) new yoga tops in this fashionable, yet totally 80's, color. Be sure to click on "faded zap." Although let me tell you, there was nothing faded about it.

Anyways...bright yellow tops and no boots made for an overall mixed morning of emotions. I have made my peace with the highs and lows, but am still awfully curious if my boots will walk on back today...stay tuned.


"Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins (or Sorels)."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracey,
    I work with Sorel and would love to chat with you a little bit about your stolen boots. I'm so sorry to hear that happened! You can email me at and I hope you've been keeping warm these past few days.

