Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 8- Completed

Back in the saddle, Day 8

Last night was my first time back in the hot room since the infamous Linda Blair episode. And let me tell you, it felt GREAT!

There is something about being able to eat normal foods (goodbye chicken broth and pedialyte), stand up straight, and get through a full day of work that really gives one a new lease on life.

It may have helped that a false Spring has settled over the Upper Valley. Tweeting birds and temperate weather can make even the grouchiest of winter humbugs happy again. So, with a pep in my step I skipped into class, ready to get my yoga on.

We had a visiting instructor last night, and I am sad to say I never caught her name. She was absolutely wonderful. Very calm, relaxed and knowledgeable. She had all sorts of tips and suggestions that made my practice seem even more doable and exciting than weeks past. I was still operating at 80% trying not to overexert myself the first night back in the saddle.

I kept my breath slow and steady, and occasionally caught myself saying "you are alright." Ironically this is something I also tried telling myself on Monday, while laying on the bathroom floor. It's a simple little phrase, but one I am slowly adopting as a mantra.

As I continue to grow (up) and learn more about myself I have come to collect quite a few gems that get me through challenging situations. One of my favorites that I find myself using quite frequently is "It's okay, no decisions need to be made tonight." This is PERFECT for those days when you question the meaning of life, or when you come to a crossroad with love, jobs, friends , or even when you are stuck between two very expensive pairs of jeans (in which case, I might opt for "Just buy both!)...Either way you get my drift. Embrace these little sayings, because the more you learn to rely on them, the less work you leave for your mind and body.

Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend and celebrate YOU!


"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." ~ Henry Ford

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