Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 1- February 3

Here I am, DAY ONE.

After a stalled start to my first 20-day challenge (thank you, massive blizzard that swept over most of the US and dumped nearly 15" of snow on Norwich, VT) I am eager to begin. And by "eager" I mean, terrified, inspired, tired, cranky, doubtful, and excited. I should preface this entire blog NOW by stating the obvious; I am an extremely complicated creature when it comes to emotions.

Having spent a portion of my snow-work-at-home-day crying at the kitchen table for no apparent reason, I am ready to embark on this trans formative journey. And for those of you who are already terrified by the site/sound of tears, I warn you now, read NO more! It's cathartic, I swear!

It's Thursday, which means I will need to leave work early to make it to the 5:30pm class at Bikram Yoga Upper Valley . I don't usually go to this class, so it will be interesting to see the mix of people that shuffle into Practice this time of day.

The people in class are certainly worth mentioning. Every class brings a new and different group. I am part of the 6:30pm club...which in my mind I define as the after work-crew. It's those of us who are slaves to our 9-5pm life and can only find time for the "hot room" after hours.

So what do we do we DO while trapped in a room heated to 105 degrees for 90 minutes? Click HERE to find out! Of course, because this is my FIRST 20 day challenge I have hardly mastered fact there have been several occasions in class where I spend more time laying down then standing up...BUT now is the time for change. In addition to my posts, I hope to add a gallery of my postures--and fingers crossed, let's hope we see some improvement!



  1. call me when you are crying at the kitchen table! cannot wait for your journey. better you than me! xoxoxo

  2. Ok...I am jumping on a few days late but will read post my post. Sorry to admit I thought what you sent was an online shopping invitation and ignored it at first. Come to find out its a blog about YOU! So far I am loving it! 20 day challenge to clear your mind body and soul. Go get'em 718!!! xoxo

  3. And by anonymous I mean me! xx (new to this blog thing too :) )

  4. Haha, YES, Welcome to my "shopping invitation":-) Hilarious. xo
