Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 5- Completed

Bad Exit, Day 5

Happy Thursday, Friends!

I am a quarter of the way through my 20-day challenge now (woo hoo!), and while I suspect bigger challenges await me, last night dealt out a few, per usual.

I think I gave fair warning that this blog might contain some crying, so brace yourself.

Yesterday was as typical as they come...until I got the memo that my beloved boyfriend will be traveling next week. Normally this type of thing doesn't set me off (I mean, who doesn't love the bed all to themself, free range of the house and movie choices, loads of white wine, etc.)...but he is coming out of a month of extensive work-travel, which translates into me having full responsibility for our life. I know I know, cry me a river.

So it was a combination of being faced with double dog duty (we have two big goofy labs that run our lives) next week, and the fact that I would be alone on the dreaded V-Day that sent me into a tail spin.

This latest "crisis" followed me all the way to the studio, where I sat outside, fighting back tears (again, I know how RIDICULOUS this is), head on the steering wheel, having a REAL pity party.

And that's when it happened...the "Challenge" called me inside. Now, I would like to say that the hot room instantly cured me of all woes, and that I immediately felt like the easy-going, free-spirited, earth-loving yogi I aspire to be...however, it took some work.

The postures seemed harder, the room hotter, and my body slightly out of control. The climax came during Camel Pose or Ustrasana...when during the second set I flew upwards out of the deepest back bend in the series, forgoing the required arm support. My head started rushing, I saw stars, and collapsed into Savasana or Dead Body Pose. What had I just done?! I was not the only one who noticed my bizarre exit strategy, as my teacher quickly critiqued me out loud.

In that moment, I suddenly forgot why I was crying, and realized this challenge requires ALL of my attention. I quickly exited my mental pity party, and finished out the rest of class strong and relieved that stars were all I saw.

Sometimes the biggest challenge is myself.

Regardless, I promise to love myself and my body tonight as I head into Day 6...and oh, stay out of my own way.


"Seeing into darkness is clarity. Knowing how to yield is strength." ~Lao Tse

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