Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 3- Completed

Hooray for Day 3

Last night was JUST what I needed. After fully hydrating (and NOT drinking bubbly) I felt much more prepared for my 3rd day in the hot room (and first day in a 4 day stretch).

The class was small, with only 11 yogis total. You can imagine how spacious and breathable this felt compared to a typical Sunday class where up to 40 hot sweaty bodies cram into practice. If you haven't ever experienced a half-dressed, middle-aged man draping his sticky, wet arms over your back during Full Locust (Poorna-Salabhasana), you are missing out. No, NOT really. Ew.

Fortunately, last night I had the wonderful privilege of sitting next to my dear friend, and fellow challenger, Emily. She is the kind of lady that could inspire an elephant to walk on a tight rope (I don't know exactly what that means either, but you get the gist). She is packed full of positive energy, and the bright aqua color of her hot shorts alone could get anyone jazzed up to "go back, waaaay back".

Another motivating factor I have yet to introduce here is the sticker chart. That's right kids, there is a giant sticker chart posted in the check-in area with all of our names on it. For each class we complete we are allowed to pick out a sticker and post it next to our names. There are stars and smiley faces...and so far my sticker choices have been reflective of my mood that day (i.e., Saturday was a yellow star in honor of my dear friend, Champagne). I know you are all salivating for a chance to see this inspirational piece of artwork, so I will be sure to take a picture soon. It's amazing how stickers can STILL work to motivate adults and children alike...

Off to a busy day of work, then on to day 4!



  1. U go girl! Sooooooooo inspiring! Love Porter

  2. Sticker charts are the best. We used those for chores and potty training. ;-)
