Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 7- Completed

Half and Half, Day 7

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

I was totally stoked to start off my day with the following Valentine (from my fellow yogi and dear friend, Emily).

Not only is she creative, she has Bikram totally dialed in and is MY inspiration in the hot room.

If you are wondering where I've been the last few days (I know that EVERYONE lives and dies by my blog posts) I will let you in on my scheduling secret: Fridays and Saturdays are my two days OFF from yoga.

With that in mind, I sauntered into last night's 4:00pm class absolutely pumped to make my return. Now remember, Sundays are the classes that are packed mat to mat. Given such, I knew up front that I would feel challenged by the collective body heat alone.

I resumed my old spot by the door, hoping to cheat a little (I know, cheating is BAD) with the help of an outside draft--but even that didn't compensate for the humidity that arrived the first half of class. My entire side of the room was down in Savasana by the time Triangle rolled around. Two ladies even left the room. It was then I started fearing that we would have a repeat of the jungle class from Thursday (enter Guns N Roses), but then the most miraculous thing happened--I absolutely ROCKED the floor series.

I had a huge burst of energy and went into each posture feeling calm and cooled down. It was amazing. And thank GOD--because the first half of class had me thinking I would abandon the challenge altogether, and with that my blog (GASP!). Lucky for you, I made it through and am feeling good once again. Not to mention I was able to pick out a happy lil smiley face for the sticker chart. And let's be honest, it's all about the sticker chart (picture coming soon).

So here I am, Monday...heading into day 8 of my challenge, and the second day of a five day stretch. It is going to be tough, no doubt...but "If there is no struggle, there is no progress" ~Frederick Douglas.

Enjoy today and celebrate the biggest LOVE of your life...yourself!


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