Backward Bending

Backward Bending
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 13- Completed

Lucky, Day 13

There was nothing unlucky about day 13 in the hot room (day 5 in a consecutive stretch). The class was small and energized, the temperature just right.

I received quite a few hands-on tips from our instructor last night, which got me thinking about how much I would love a posture by posture critique. There are many things I THINK I do well in class, but wouldn't it be great to have a certified yogi watch each move and give me verbal feedback? I think so.

Then again, if the postures are simply the vehicle for my higher learning and understanding of meditation, and my YOGA is really about my body and breath, perhaps no words are needed.

Can you imagine a world in which we didn't talk? This guru can:

Baba Hari Dass

In case you did not follow the link, this yogi has taken a vow of silence since 1952. 1952.

With this in mind, I would like to dedicate my practice tonight (Day 14) to less talking, less mind-wandering clutter and more silence, more mediation. Because silence is quiet, I think one expects it to be easy. Well, from one "Chatty Kathy" to another, let me tell you it's not. And with that, my lips are sealed.

Happy Thursday.


"No one can please everyone. Your mental peace is more important. If you are in peace, then others around you will feel peace. So your best effort should be to work on yourself." ~Baba Hari Dass

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