Backward Bending

Backward Bending
Go back, way back

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bend in the road

Days OFF

And by days "OFF", I mean days spent hostage to the stomach flu.

Of all the unpredictable things that could happen during this 20-day challenge, being stuck in my bathroom for 48 hours was one that I did NOT see coming.

Just as I was ready to head into day 2 of my first 5 day stretch, it hit. And boy did it hit hard.

Today is the first day in two days that I have:

-Been out of the house
-Sat upright for more than 2 minutes
-Used the bathroom on my own free will (sorry, but it's true!)
-Felt like I can open my eyes without getting dizzy

I promise not to go any further into the details of what happened to me, but let's just say I felt (and probably looked like) something resembling Linda Blair from the Exorcist.

FORTUNATELY, the demons have been cleared from this body. I am going to take off one more day from the hot room, but starting tomorrow I head into the the most difficult stretch of this challenge. Instead of being able to equally balance my days between class and rest, and I will now be attempting to complete the next 13 days of yoga in 12 days. Yes, you are right...13 classes is more days then I have left in the month. Which means, Monday I will be attempting my first DOUBLE session of Bikram. Yikes. Thank you to the Presidents of America for allowing me this day off from work, and subsequently the option of doing two back to back classes. We will see what happens.

And now, because I can't leave you with the above image in your heads the rest of the day, please enjoy the following:


"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn." ~Author Unknown


  1. oh man! tough stuff my friend! I too am fighting a little cold but nothing as bad as what you've described! you need triple fluids after that bout! xoxo

  2. Pedialyte is my new best friend! Who knew it could work so well to restore those electrolytes.

    Hope you are on the mend soon too! xoxo
